USA Today changes "Is math racist?" headline after backlash from professor, social media mockery

USA Today has changed a headline that begins, "Is math racist?," following backlash from a professor, social media users and others.
"Is math racist? As many students of color struggle with the subject, schools are altering instruction – sometimes amid intense debate," read the original headline posted Tuesday.
The article – which is now hidden behind the site's paywall – centers on ideas to help math "more inclusive," which according to the article are revolutionizing the world of "mathematics education."
The original headline quickly became the Twitter fodder of the day, prompting the site to change it to "Is math education racist? Debate rages over changes to how US teaches the subject."
"No, math is not racist. Major venues like @USATODAY even asking this question is a sign of cultural sickness. Racial disparities can be addressed (in part) by using the best evidence-based pedagogical practices that enable student learning. Please stop suggesting math is racist," wrote Portland State University professor Peter Boghossian.
"Is this a joke?" asked professor of global economics Daniel Lacalle.
On Monday, nearly 600 STEM professionals signed a letter criticizing the California Department of Education's proposition to teach math through a social justice lens.