Inspector General report finds that some USPS workers have been stealing mail

A federal investigation has shown that workers at the United States Postal Service (USPS) have been stealing peoples' mail.
According to a report from the USPS Inspector General, internal mail theft is happening due to manager vacancies and having employees not trained properly to identify theft.
The report also states that criminal organizations are recruiting people who work at USPS to infiltrate the system.
USPS Inspector General Tammy L. Hull said that criminal groups are “targeting, recruiting, and colluding with postal employees to move narcotics through the postal network and to steal checks — both personal and government-issued checks — credit cards, and other valuables from the mail."
Last month, two postal workers were charged with stealing $1 million worth of business checks in Virginia and North Carolina, according to The Hill.
One employee in St. Louis was accused of stealing 55 out of 150 packages from a truck. That same investigation found that other employees were working as lookouts and stashing packages in their jackets.