GOP Sen. Blackburn warns against gender treatments for minors at Tennessee rally

The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh organized a "Rally to End Child Mutilation" event on Friday in Nashville, Tennessee, which featured speakers such as Tennessee GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn, former Democratic Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard, and former transgender child Chloe Cole.
"We have to make certain that we end these practices and make certain that we protect the next generation of American citizens and keep them from being the target of the liberal left," Blackburn said. "They cannot use our children for profit and for political gain. We in Tennessee will not stand for that."
Walsh organized the rally after he called for an investigation of Vanderbilt University Medical Center for performing gender affirming surgeries on minors and threatening resistant VUMC employees with "consequences" for not participating.
Blackburn said she sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asking for an investigation of puberty blockers being given to minors and so far, has not gotten a response.
"We know from the experts that there have not been the clinical trials to look at the long term effects for this," Blackburn stated. "And as you can expect, I have yet to get an answer from the Biden Administration on this issue."
Matt Walsh's event was bombarded with protesters with chants such as "Trans rights are human rights" and "F*ck Matt Walsh."
"They don't want you to hear what we have to say because they're cowards," Walsh said, acknowledging the protesters during his speech. "They can't engage in the argument. All they could try to do is shut us down and silence us. But it's not going to work... We're not going anywhere."
Another speaker was Chloe Cole, a former transgender child, who was put on puberty blockers and hormones as a minor.
“We had no idea these so called doctors and therapists were just butchers and liars," Cole said in her speech, referring to the doctors who performed surgery on her and put her on hormones.
According to Cole, many ex-transgender children who speak out about their regret about their transition are silenced.
"A new de-transitioner, often a minor, reaches out to me on nearly a daily basis," Cole stated. "This is an epidemic. I see de-transitioners express their regret online and get bombed with hatred by trans activists who have millions of followers.”
Former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard also spoke, asserting that children were losing their childhoods to the trans movement.
"I grew up a tomboy," Gabbard shared during her speech. "I thought the boys were having all the fun. I cut my hair short. I wanted nothing more than to be a boy. It was cool and it was fun. But guess what? Life moved on. I moved on and I grew up. I cannot imagine the kinds of pressures that are happening with our kids today-with our young girls that are tomboys."
"Those in power are denying the existence of women," Gabbard asserted. "They are seeking to erase us as an entire category of people. And even more dangerously, they are denying the existence of objective truth. Without recognition that there is such a thing as truth, there are no boundaries in our society which is why we are where we are today."