Mo Brooks may run for open Senate seat in 2022

"I am running for election in 2022, either for my House seat or for the Alabama Senate seat," the Alabama Republican said in a statement
Rep. Mo Brooks in October 2019

Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama said in a statement on Monday that he will seek to retain his House seat or run for the Senate in the 2022 election contest.

"I am running for election in 2022, either for my House seat or for the Alabama Senate seat," Brooks said in a statement. "Quite frankly, the last 3 months of scurrilous & palpable false attacks on me by Socialist Democrats & their Fake News Media allies have been a wonderful blessing because they have sent my state-wide name I.D. and Republican Primary support through the roof."

Long-serving Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby, who has spent more than three decades working as a U.S. Senator, announced on Monday that he will not run for a seventh term in the 2022 election.

Shelby, who is 86-years-old, began his Senate career as a Democrat and later switched his party affiliation to Republican.