Jeffrey Epstein document dump to reveal over 175 associate names, including Bill Clinton: Report

It does not appear that Clinton raised any objections to the unsealing of records related to the case.
Jeffrey Epstein, Sept. 4, 2004

More than 175 associates of the late convicted child sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein are expected to be named as soon as Tuesday, with former President Bill Clinton reportedly being mentioned in more than 50 related court documents that are set to be released. 

Clinton was identified as "Doe 36" by ABC News, and his name is reportedly among the 177 Epstein associates who are set to be publicly named with the release of records pursuant to a court ruling last month.

Federal Judge Loretta Preska on Dec. 18, 2023, issued an order to go into effect 14 days later unsealing the names and court documents in connection to Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre's defamation case against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former girlfriend who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex crimes. Because of the New Year's holiday, the filings are expected to be released Tuesday, Jan. 2. 

In an order analyzing which names should and should not be released, the judge wrote under the entry for J. Doe 036 that all related "material should be unsealed in full," as the individual did not raise any objection to the unsealing, the person has widely been reported as an Epstein associate and their name was mentioned at Maxwell's criminal trial. 

Giuffre did not allege Clinton committed any wrongdoing, and there is no indication that the records contain evidence the former president committed any crimes. However, a contentious issue in the case is Giuffre's claim that she met Clinton on Epstein's private island, Little St. James, even though Maxwell said he had never visited there.

The case was settled in 2017, but media outlets filed to have the records published. 

Some of the more than 50 redacted filings mentioning Clinton deal with an attempt from Giuffre's attorneys to subpoena the former president to testify about his relationship with Epstein, who was found dead in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019. Clinton's representatives have said that the former president stopped communicating with Epstein in 2005. 

In addition to Clinton, documents about Prince Andrew are also expected to be released. 

Clinton and Prince Andrew are not the only high-profile people to have been linked to Epstein.

Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns met multiple times with Epstein in 2014, after the late financier was convicted of child sex exploitation, according to documents reviewed earlier this year by The Wall Street Journal

Additionally, Epstein reportedly attempted to threaten Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates by using his affair as leverage, according to another Journal report earlier this year. 

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