Fashion company Balenciaga sues ad company over campaign featuring child porn SCOTUS decision

Company has received backlash from conservative commentators over photos.
One of the teddy bear advertisements

The fashion company Balenciaga is launching a lawsuit against a production firm that drafted an ad campaign featuring documents related to a Supreme Court decision on child pornography.

The company has been in hot water due to multiple controversial campaigns, one of which featured children holding what appeared to be teddy bears in sexual bondage gear.

Another campaign, the subject of the lawsuit, featured a partially hidden copy of the Supreme Court decision United States v. Williams, which concerned free speech jurisprudence related to child pornography. 

The company has filed a lawsuit in the New York State Supreme Court. seeking at least $25 million in damages from ad company North Six, Inc. as well as set designer Nicholas Des Jardins.

Balenciaga has since pulled both campaigns and issued apologies.