Job Creators Network praises 6th Circuit's dismissal of OSHA vaccine mandate lawsuit

"JCN will be ready in the unlikely event that the Administration tries to resuscitate this mandate as either an emergency or permanent standard," Alfredo Ortiz said.
Judge's gavel

Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of Job Creators Network, is declaring victory in a federal court on Thursday dismissing the group's lawsuit against the Biden administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for small businesses and says the decision "closes this chapter in executive overreach."

The lawsuit against the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees was dismissed by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals after the Supreme Court blocked it

"Today's formal termination of the Biden administration's illegal employer-vaccine mandate closes this chapter in executive overreach," Ortiz said in a statement. "JCN was the first business group to file suit against this regulation and the first to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to block it from taking effect.

"In a major victory for American small businesses, the court agreed with our arguments and stopped it. As a result, the Biden Administration withdrew its mandate, requiring the Sixth Circuit to dismiss JCN's original lawsuit ... because there is no challenge left for the court to resolve."