Buttigieg picks environmentally unfriendly motorcade over cheaper, cleaner public transportation

Mayor Pete, now Secretary Buttigieg, has raised eyebrows with an act that seems to conflict with his party's lofty rhetoric, avoiding cheaper, cleaner public transportation for a convoy of carbon-fueled SUVs
Pete Buttigieg

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has called into question his commitment to both public transportation and climate change in a single act last week. 

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Buttigieg arranged to pick up a bicycle outside of a pizza restaurant in the Petworth neighborhood of Washington, D.C. But instead of taking the D.C. Metro, the city's subway system, which runs directly from the Department of Transportation to the location in Petworth, "a straight shot up the Green Line and back," Buttigieg was driven and escorted by a "convoy of at least four government SUVs spewing deadly carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."

The person selling the bike "said he was waiting for the person when a couple of black government SUVs pulled up and then a couple more—and then, out pops Pete Buttigieg," according to Boston Globe journalist Jazmine Ulloa who wrote about it on Twitter.

According to the Beacon, this is not anything new for Buttigieg, who in 2019 "spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on private jets, more than any other Democratic candidate at the time." 

He defended that by saying America was a "very big country."