GOP leader suggests homes of dozens of Trump supporters may soon be raided by FBI

Lawyer says clients are receiving "extremely broad" subpoenas.
Harmeet Dhillon on Tucker Carlson

A GOP leader and prominent conservative attorney is warning that the homes of dozens of Donald Trump supporters could be in the crosshairs of imminent FBI raids just weeks after the former president's home was raided by bureau agents. 

Harmeet Dhillon, who has served in the Republican Party in various roles including vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, said Friday evening on the Fox News Channel that a reporter with Politico recently tipped off Trump affiliates that the FBI was preparing serve "[approximately 50] search warrants and/or subpoenas on Trump supporters."

"[W]ithin 24 hours of that two of our clients, three of our clients, actually, did either get search warrants or subpoenas. And these subpoenas are extremely broad," Dhillon claimed the cable TV news network's Tucker Carlson Tonight" show.

The subpoenas, Dhillon said, "ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dating from a month before the election until a month, two months after the election.

"And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people and the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6th situation at the Capitol."

Based on the Politico reporter's advanced knowledge, Dhillon speculated that the FBI "is telling reporters about these search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed."

"There’s no other explanation for this," she said. "And I think the reason for this is to instill fear into Donald Trump’s supporters and into those who would challenge election irregularities right before an upcoming election."

"[I]t is illegal for the DOJ to leak this information to the media," Dhillon also said.

Carlson responded that the allegations, if true, would "wreck the country," while progressives are "saying nothing about it."

"It’s really shocking to me," he also said.