Lou Dobbs calls the Department of Homeland Security a 'shell of its former institution'

Dobbs blasted the Department of Homeland Security for releasing an illegal immigrant on the terrorist watchlist who took two weeks to arrest. 
Lou Dobbs, New York City, Sept. 23, 2019

Journalist and podcast host Lou Dobbs blasted the Department of Homeland Security, calling the organization a "shell of its former institution."

"The Department of Homeland Security is nothing more than a shell organization right now. And unfortunately, a shell of its former institution," Dobbs said on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show.

According to a report, which was completed last week after apprehending the illegal immigrant in Arizona in April 2022, the CBP released them “without providing information requested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) that would have confirmed the migrant was a positive match with the Terrorist Screening Data Set (Terrorist Watchlist).”

The illegal immigrant is referred to as "they," “their,” or “them” in the report "to avoid identifying the migrant's gender," according to a footnote in the report.

"The threat is very real," Dobbs said. "As you know, the idea that the DHS would let a terrorist on the watch list go, period, is remarkable because it means that there's a real failure of communication within DHS."

He said the situation isn't surprising considering that the Biden administration has struggled with the border crisis. Many conservatives have argued the administration's policies have encouraged illegal immigration, instead of quelling it.

"These are the same people who have allowed more than six million illegal immigrants into the country," he said. "And those are just the estimates of the known, if you will, illegal immigrants that have been traversing the non-existent border."