Suburban D.C. county imposes teen curfew after deadliest month in county history

Curfew begins Friday and follows violent Labor Day weekend in which two people were fatally shot, one of them a teen.
Law enforcement rope off a crime scene

A Maryland county that borders Washington, D.C., will starting Friday impose a curfew, following what police say is the county's deadliest month in its history.

The curfew in Prince George's County for residents younger than 17 has not been enforced in nearly three decades, according to the DCist news blog site and will be in place for 30 days.

The curfew was announced Monday by County Executive Angela Alsobrooks.

"I’m just going to put it very bluntly: Somebody has got to take responsibility for these armed and dangerous children," she said. "And it’s not just the police and not just the government.

"We have children who are out in our communities at 3 and 4 o’clock a.m. committing these crimes. No summer job or government program is going to help that."

Police Chief Malik Aziz said his agency investigated two dozen murders last month, and 13 are solved so far.

He also said officers are seeing an increase in illegal gun possessions, carjackings and non-fatal shootings this year, Dcist also reports.

Minors will be required to be at home from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sundays through Thursdays, and from midnight to 5 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

Alsobrooks intends to use a 1995 ordinance to enforce the curfew.

The first offense will be a written warning. However, repeated warnings or perceived "delinquent conduct" can result in a minor being taken into custody. Fines ranging from $50 to $250 to a parent or guardian also can be imposed under the curfew order.