Loudoun County student must register as sex offender after school assault convictions

The teenager's psychosexual report "scared me for you, it scared me for society," presiding Judge Pamela Brooks said.
Public school in Arlington, Va.

The 14-year-old student who was convicted of sexually assaulting other teens inside a Loudoun County, Virginia public high school women's bathroom was sentenced on Wednesday to be placed on the sex offender registry for life, as reports emerged that he also allegedly assaulted a third girl, according to The Daily Wire.

The now-15-year-old boy wore a hair bun with chained ankles as he appeared in court and offered a direct apology to the two girls he was convicted of sexually assaulting. 

"Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society," presiding Judge Pamela Brooks said in court Wednesday. 

She also noted the existence of a third victim in a report she was given and said that until the teen acknowledged the third assault, he would not be reformed.

"These horrific sexual assaults should have never occurred. There were people who could have turned it around years ago," Jessica Smith, the first victim's mother said, The Daily Wire reports.

"We were accused of lying about this sexual assault for political gain," Scott Smith, that victim's father, said. "That didn’t go over well with half of Loudoun County, who didn’t patronize our business" due to the media coverage showing him angry at a school board meeting over the assault of his daughter.

After the first assault at ​​Stone Bridge High School, a court ordered the teen on July 9 to not return. He went on to attend Loudoun County Public School's nearby Broad Run High School, where he sexually assaulted a second girl on October 6. 

The Daily Wire reports the second victim's mother read a statement for her daughter, who asked "why me?"

The judge said she had heard many juvenile cases, but this is the first one in which she ordered a minor onto the sex offender registry.