NYC adds security cameras to roughly all 6,400 subway cars, effort to assure riders system is safe

The subway system already has security cameras in its 472 stations
NY subway car

New York City is beginning to install security cameras in all of its nearly 6,400 subway cars – an effort to make riders feel more secure.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority will place two cameras in each car over three years, New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul said Tuesday.

"You think Big Brother’s watching you on the subways? You’re absolutely right," she said in announcing the start of the project.

The subway system already has security cameras in its 472 stations. However, those in a Brooklyn station failed to record the person who shot 10 people in April as he excited a subway car onto a platform. 

Hochul said to those with issues about the cameras imposing on their privacy and civil liberties, "If you’re concerned about this, the best answer is don’t commit any crimes on the subway."