New York City drops COVID vaccine mandate for private sector, but not for public workers

The city will immediately stop enforcing its COVID vaccine mandates for student athletes.
New York Stock Exchange

New York City is dropping its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private-sector employees on Nov. 1, but its mandate for public workers will remain in place, angering some emergency responders.

The policy change means the city will also immediately stop enforcing its vaccine mandates for student athletes, Mayor Eric Adams announced Tuesday, according to Spectrum News NY 1.

The Democrat mayor said the mandate for public-sector workers will remain in effect, much to the disdain of some city employees.

"This announcement is more proof that the vaccine mandate for New York City police officers is arbitrary, capricious, and fundamentally irrational," said Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch.

Uniformed Firefighters Association President Andrew Ansbro, who is head of a union representing about 20,000 active and retired firefighters, said he is "outraged" by the mayor's decision.

"The mayor has once again backed off vaccine mandates for the private sector, and now private sector employees will be without a mandate as of Nov. 1, while New York City firefighters are still facing the ax," Ansbro said.

The mandates were instituted by Adams' predecessor, Bill de Blasio. Adams' office said in June officials was not aggressively following up with businesses about comply with the mandate.

"With so many tools now more easily accessible to keep New Yorkers safe from COVID-19, the additional flexibility we are announcing for private employers, students, and parents puts the choice back into each of their hands," Adams said. during the event this week.