Border 'gotaways' increase by more than 340% under Biden

More than 1.4 million known gotaways were recorded from fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2020, before Biden entered office.
Freight train migrants, Mexico, Oct. 3, 2023

The number of known "gotaways" – or illegal migrants who evaded Border Patrol – exploded under the Biden administration by more than 340% from where it was at the highest point of the Trump administration, according to data published Wednesday.

In fiscal year 2023, more than 670,000 gotaways entered the United States, per Customs and Border Protection Data that Fox News obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request.

While data is unavailable for the current fiscal year, from fiscal year 2021 through fiscal year 2023, CBP recorded more than 1.6 million known gotaways.

The number of gotaways is calculated by gathering the number of illegal immigrants who were seen or detected through cameras, foot prints, sensors, etc., but did not encounter Border Patrol agents.

Texas conservative Rep. Troy Nehls blasted the Biden administration and other Democrats over their responses to the ongoing border crisis, claiming that if Democrats wanted to fix the immigration problems then they would.

"I don't think this administration and Chuck Schumer and the Democrats care too much about the American people and their safety, because if they did, and they were paying attention ... Laken Riley would be alive today," Nehls said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "And all of these other crimes that are being committed by these illegals, these bad hombres that have been invited by this administration through our southern border."

Under former President Donald Trump, the most gotaways occurred in 2019, with more than 151,000 recorded. Meanwhile, under the Obama administration, the most known gotaways came to the U.S. in 2013, with more than 171,000 recorded.

More than 1.4 million known gotaways were recorded from fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2020, before Biden entered office.

Meanwhile, record numbers of illegal immigrants are entering the United States under the Biden administration, with more than 3.2 million encounters recorded in fiscal year 2023.

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