Border Patrol Council head: Nonprofits must be held accountable for contributing to border crisis

Border Patrol Council head Brandon Judd says that nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations contributing to the border crisis need to be held accountable.
"When you look at pandering to nongovernmental organizations and you're looking at funneling money to those organizations for profit — even though they might be a nonprofit organization, they pay salaries," Judd said on Monday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "Well, these salaries come out of the money that is being funneled to them by the federal government."
The new GOP-controlled house has been asked to address the nonprofits collecting federal money from the government which they use to help get illegal aliens into the country.
"It's a very corrupt system all the way around," Judd stated.
"Until we take the corruption out of the government, we're going to continue to see all of the problems that we have on the border," he continued. "We've got to remove the corruption. We've got to remove the nongovernmental organizations. Until we do that, corruption is going to ensue."
GOP Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde acknowledged on Monday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show that the new Congress is going to look into the border crisis.
"We certainly have plans to address the border crisis," Rep. Clyde said. "Part of that is the Texas border plan which is going to come up for a vote. That is in our rules — it's one of the requirements."