Convicted rapist apprehended crossing U.S.-Mexico border, report

The rapist has already been in the U.S. and was previously deported. 
U.S.-Mexico border

When Donald Trump started running for president, he crew harsh criticism for disparaging the people sneaking into the United States illegally at the southern border.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you," he said when officially announcing his bid in June 2015. "They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Turns out he was right, in at least one verifiable, recent instance.

U.S. border authorities announced Thursday that they have captured a convicted rapist who illegally entered the country with a group of 18 others.

Aurelio Sandoval-Valdivia, a 54-year-old Mexican with a past felony rape conviction, was arrested Monday by Customs and Border Protection. 

"The convicted rapist also had on his record misdemeanor convictions for willful cruelty to a child and driving while intoxicated," The New York Post reported.

The rapist has already been in the U.S. and was previously deported. 

Critics have blamed President Biden for mass influx of immigrants at the southwestern U.S. border, calling the situation a "crisis." 

Biden, in some of his first executive orders, did away with the Migrant Protection Protocols, which had kept foreigners trying to enter the U.S. illegally in Mexico to await hearings. The result is that some are now being allowed to enter the U.S. 

The orders also have again allowed some illegal migrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration proceedings, which critics of that policy call "catch and release." 

A Republican lawmaker warned this week that people on the FBI's terrorist watch list are "starting to exploit the southern border."

"Individuals that they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border," New York Rep. John Katko, the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, said at a press conference at the border. "People who they've got in the last few days ... have been on the terror watchlist.

"We need to wake up. We need to understand. Listen Mr. President Biden, you're an OK guy. Why don't you just admit you made a mistake with this policy and go back to the way it was and keep America safe for all of us? And use that money that we're wasting down here on American citizens. The door should not be open and we should have immigration the right way."