'Pack your bags': Vance vows deportations, hits Harris on border security

Vance further excoriated the Biden-Harris administration over its handling of border security and its rescinding of Trump's own policies.
JD Vance

GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance on Thursday vowed to restore Trump-era border security and immigration restrictions, while restarting deportations, should he and Trump win the White House in November.

"If you're in this country illegally in six months, pack your bags, because you're going home now," Vance said at a campaign event in Phoenix, Ariz. "And here's what we're going to do on top of it. We are going to re-implement deportations in this country. We are going we're going to finish that beautiful border wall along the state of Arizona and everywhere else."

"We're going to stop catch and release, and we're going to stop giving Medicare benefits and health care benefits to illegal aliens," he went on. "They deserve to go to American citizens, not the people who have no right to be in this country. Now that's that is the Donald Trump agenda, and it's simple common sense."

Vance further excoriated the Biden-Harris administration over its handling of border security and its rescinding of Trump's own policies.

"On day one, Kamala Harris said, 'we're going to suspend deportations.' On day one. Kamala Harris said 'we're going to stop Donald Trump's remain in Mexico policy,'" Vance said.

"She stopped that policy on day one, and then also on day one, she reimplemented the terrible catch-and-release policy that allows people to take advantage of our system," Vance contended. "She stopped the border wall... And she did this crazy thing where they did parole for millions upon millions of illegal aliens. That is the record of Kamala Harris."

Vance's line of attack follows the Trump campaign's pattern of assigning responsibility to Harris for many key Biden administration policies. Immigration, in particular, ranks among the worst issues for the administration in terms of public approval.

At present. Biden earns a 35.0% approval rating in the RealClearPolitics polling average. By contrast he earns a 62.2% disapproval rating on the issue.