Border Patrol agents arrest group of 11 Iranians who had illegally entered the U.S.

The eleven individuals nabbed by Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents included five women and six men.
Patch on Border Patrol agent's uniform in Maine in 2018

Border Patrol Agents on Monday apprehended a group of 11 Iranians who unlawfully entered the U.S.

The 11 Iranian nationals nabbed by Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents included five women and six men, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release.

Yuma Sector agents have apprehended 14 Iranians during fiscal year 2021, which began about four months ago on October 1, 2020.

"For the last two fiscal years, Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents have led the nation in apprehending illegal crossers from Iran," the press release noted. "Yuma Sector agents apprehended eight Iranian nationals in FY2020, compared to just 14 from all other border patrol sectors combined."