Youngkin surges ahead in final days of Virginia governor's race seen as 2022 bellwether

Businessman Glenn Youngkin's gubernatorial campaign is surging in the final days of a tight Virginia race that could be an indicator for the results of the midterm elections in 2022.
The Democrats will be fighting to hold onto their slim majority in the House and Senate next November.
Youngkin is up by 8% over former Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in a new Fox News survey concluded Wednesday, a sign the GOP candidate is gaining momentum as the race nears the finish line. With several other, less recent, polls showing the candidates locked in a dead heat, the Real Clear Politics polling average has Youngkin up by 0.9%, well within the margin of error.
A few weeks ago, McAuliffe was ahead by 5 points in the same Fox News poll of likely voters in the state.
McAuliffe's campaign events this week have been attended by smaller crowds than his opponent's, with the exception of a rally featuring President Biden that took place in the heavily Democratic area of Arlington.
On Friday, McAuliffe was supposed to appear at a get-out-the-vote event in Alexandria inside a brewery but cancelled with a small group fo supporters waiting inside.
Education is an issue that has rallied the Republican base in Virginia. McAuliffe's lead began to slowly evaporate after he said during the final gubernatorial debate that parents shouldn't be "telling schools what they should teach."
Youngkin began referencing the statement on the campaign trail and telling voters that parents will have a voice if he is elected.
McAuliffe has tried to contain the fallout from that statement with a recent campaign ad, arguing that he was taken out of context.
"You believe school systems should tell children what to do," Youngkin said at the last debate. "I believe parents should be in charge of their kids' education."
The candidates have also sparred over Critical Race Theory, with McAuliffe claiming that it isn't taught in Virginia schools.
"I don't think we should bucket children into certain sectors as oppressors," said Youngkin, who has campaigned against CRT.
McAuliffe has said that making CRT an issue is a racist dogwhistle.
Democrats are reportedly leading in early voting numbers. The election is going to be held on Tuesday.