Biden calls for filibuster exception for Senate to codify Roe

Biden made comments from Madrid

President Biden on Thursday called for changes to the Senate rules to codify into law Roe v. Wade, the decades-old Supreme Court ruling that provided a constitutional right to abortion that the high court stuck down last week.

"I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law, and the way to do that is to make sure the Congress votes to do that" Biden said during a speech at the NATO summit.

"If the filibuster gets in the way, it’s like voting rights, it should be we provide an exception for this," Biden continued. 

The filibuster effectively requires 60 Senate vote to move and pass a measure in the chamber. Right now, the chamber has 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans with Vice President Kamala Harris casting a deciding vote in final voting.

Democrat Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have both previously voted against a filibuster carveout.