Biden tells age-wary voters he still has stamina, 'passion' to lead but could 'drop dead tomorrow'

Biden, 79, is the oldest person to be a U.S. president.
Joe Biden, Washington, D.C., Aug. 24, 2022

When asked about convincing likely 2024 voters to reelect him, President Biden is suggesting he still has the passion and stamina to lead the country but also acknowledges voters have a right to be concerned about his age and that like others he could get a disease and "drop dead tomorrow."

Biden was asked the question by MSNBC during an interview that aired Sunday.

"I think it's a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone's age, including mine," Biden responded. "I think the best way to make the judgment is to, to, you know, watch me."

Biden, 79, is the oldest president in U.S. history. He has faced concerns about his cognitive fitness since before he assumed office.

"Everybody talks about the, you know, the new 70 is 50 and all that stuff," he also said in the interview. "I'm a great respecter of fate. I could get a disease tomorrow. I could, you know, drop dead tomorrow.

"In terms of my energy level, in terms of how much I'm able to do, I think people should look and say, 'Does he still have the same passion for what he's doing?'"