Biden's polling takes massive hit following collapse of Afghanistan

According to several new polls, President Biden is in trouble following the collapse of the Afghan government as U.S. and western troops withdrew from the troubled country after 20 years.
A Rasmussen Reports poll illustrates the president's approval index is currently 17 points down from where he started in January – the lowest it's been since he took office. A total of 46% of Americans approve of Biden's performance while 53% disapprove – also the highest that number has been.
A new report from Convention of States Action in conjunction with the Trafalgar group shows that 69.3% of Americans disapprove of the president's handling of military operations – a supermajority of the population. Just 23.1% approve, and 7.5% have no opinion.
Even among Democrats, 48.2% disapprove, compared to just 39.8% who approve of Biden's Afghan strategy. Among GOP voters a stunning majority at 88.8% disapprove, while just 7.1% of Biden's actions. Numbers for political independents tilt closer to GOP figures, with a total of 74.8% disapproving of the handling of military operations, and 19.8% giving a nod of approval.
Democrats in Congress are speaking out against the actions of the president, and though National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is set to brief the press corp today alongside Jen Psaki, none of Biden's military leaders appeared alongside the Commander-in-Chief yesterday, as he deflected blame for the Afghan collapse during a brief speech.