Vice President Kamala Harris says U.S. border problems result from issues in other nations

Harris said that if people are provided "a sense of hope that help is on the way" they will remain in their home country.
Vice President Kamala Harris in May 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris during remarks in Mexico City on Tuesday said that much of the problem along America's southern border results from issues in other nations.

"I want to be very clear that the problem at the border in large part, if not entirely, stems from the problems in these countries. I cannot say it enough, most people don't want to leave home. And when they do, it is usually for one of two reasons: Either they are fleeing harm or to stay home means that they cannot satisfy the basic needs to sustain and take care of their families."

Harris, who during her first trip abroad as Vice President visited Guatemala and Mexico, said that if provided "a sense of hope that help is on the way" people would remain in their home countries.