Condemned transgender-identifying murderer asks Missouri governor to commute sentence

Killer was convicted while identifying as male.
Amber McLaughlin

A transgender-identifying inmate in Missouri is asking the state's governor for clemency ahead of a planned execution scheduled to take place in early January. 

Amber McLaughlin, who was convicted of killing Beverly Guenther in St. Louis County in 2003, has asked Gov. Mike Parson to commute the capital sentence ahead of its carrying-out on Jan. 3.

The condemned inmate was known as Scott McLaughlin at the time of the murder and conviction but subsequently transitioned to appear female while in prison. 

Lawyers for McLaughlin reportedly cited the killer's traumatic childhood, including abuse at the hands of caretaker adults, as reason for committing the sentence. 

McLaughlin in 2003 raped Guenther before stabbing her to death.