Retired Milwaukee sheriff slams Democrat politicians on crime: 'no motivation' to stop it
Retired Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke slammed Democrat mayors and governors on the topic of crime, saying that they have no motivation to stop it.
"Don't these mayors care?" Clarke said on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "Don't these governors care? They only care about one thing, and that's at voting time that these people get out there and continue to keep them in office, and they continue to win. So there's really no motivation for these liberal mayors ... to really get tough on crime."
He said that he hoped there would be a tipping point on this and 2024 might be the year for change.
According to a report from the New York Times, murders have been decreasing in major cities with the exception of Washington, D.C. with the homicide rate being the highest it's been in two decades.
"There's too much crime in the cities, in these suburbs," Clarke said in response to the FBI statistics cited in The Times article. "I don't know what their benchmark is. If they think there's going to be record lows in terms of homicides coming in, what's their benchmark? Because for me, my standard is zero. I want zero homicides."
He also added that the crime in cities is hurting urban communities because businesses can't afford to stay there due to the high crime rates.
"These businesses have an obligation to protect their employees," Clarke said. "They have an obligation to protect their customers. I'm not going to frequent a store that I know has had several carjackings or several armed robberies. I'm not going there. And if they can't operate profitably, businesses are going to close up the doors, and they have to move out."