Study: Too much coffee can shrink one's brain, increase risk of dementia

The study was conducted by the University of South Australia.
A cup of coffee

A new study indicate that excess coffee drinking can shrink a drinker's brain and put that person at greater risk for dementia and stroke.

Research out of the University of South Australia has found "high coffee consumption is associated with smaller total brain volumes and an increased risk of dementia." 

The study, conducted via the university’s Australian Centre for Precision Health, found that “those who drank more than six cups of coffee a day had a 53% increased risk of dementia.”

“This is the most extensive investigation into the connections between coffee, brain volume measurements, the risks of dementia, and the risks of stroke,” lead researcher Kitty Pham said. “[I]t’s also the largest study to consider volumetric brain imaging data and a wide range of confounding factors.