Not 'affirming' a minor's 'gender identity' to be classified as abuse, according to California bill

The bill was introduced by Assembly Member Lori Wilson and state Senator Scott Wiener.
A transgender-identifying child in New York, June 2019

A bill recently amended in California would classify not affirming a minor's "gender identity" by one or both guardians as “child abuse.”

The bill, AB 957, was introduced by Assembly Member Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) and state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).

It amends Section 3011 of the Family Code, which deals with child custody disputes. If one or both parents were to deny a minor's “gender identity,” it would be a violation of the child’s health, safety, and welfare making it equal to abuse. 

Wilson's spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon that the latest revision of the bill doesn't really change much, as it only relates to family law and not criminal law.

"It's not saying [affirmation] is the most important factor or determining factor," the spokesman, Taylor Woolfork, said. "It's one of many factors that the judge should consider while working out a custody agreement."

Founder of the law firm and civil rights advocacy group Facts Law Truth Justice, Nicole Peterson, called the bill "horrifying" in an interview with the Daily Signal. 

“This is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians not just in California, but across the country," Peterson said. "Gavin Newsom is gunning for president in 2028. If he signs this bill into law, here, it will be headed to every state if he wins.”