NY Gov. Hochul creates 'media literacy tools' to aid students in spotting conspiracy theories

"We can better inoculate them from hatred and the spread of it," Hochul said.
Kathy Hochul, New York City, Jan. 6., 2022

New York Democrat Kathy Hochul announced on Tuesday the creation of "media literacy tools" to aid students in K-12 in spotting conspiracy theories, disinformation, and hate online. 

"Today I'm directing the director of the division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to develop media literacy tools for K-12 in our public schools," Hochul said during a speech. "This will teach students and even teachers to help understand, how to spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation and online hate."

Hochul said that this program will teach younger New Yorkers how to discern between "digital facts and digital fiction."

"We can better inoculate them from hatred and the spread of it," she said.

Three million dollars will be going to this development, according a press release from Hochul

She said that this would be used to combat hate in the Big Apple. 

“The rising tide of hate is putting all New Yorkers at risk - and as Governor, I'm committed to tackling this crisis head-on,” Hochul stated. “We're deploying physical security resources, expanding our Threat Management and Assessment teams, calling for stronger action from social media companies, and encouraging families and communities to come together to fight hate. New York has always been a beacon of hope, tolerance and inclusivity, and we will be defined by how we come together to condemn hate in all forms."