Former White House physician says it is not yet known whether COVID came from a bioweapons program

Dr. Ronny Jackson is now a GOP congressman representing Texas' 13th Congressional District.
Physician to President Donald Trump Dr. Ronny Jackson in January 2018

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson during an interview on The Water Cooler with host David Brody expressed high confidence that the COVID-19 pandemic originated at a Wuhan lab, but he noted that it is not known if the disease is connected to a bioweapons program.

"The big question now is, was it an accidental leak from the lab? Or ... do they have a bio weapons program there?" Jackson remarked.

Jackson, who is now a GOP congressman representing Texas' 13th Congressional District, said that at some point it could be discovered "that this was part of a bioweapons program, who knows?" He said that America "should not be giving U.S. taxpayer dollars to our enemies to fund research that could be turned around and used as a bioweapon against us, and that's what the gain of function testing can do."