Majority of Independent voters says federal government reporting on Covid vaccines is not unbiased

A new poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group in association with Convention of States Action, finds that Americans are losing confidence in the ability of the federal government to present unbiased information about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.
Just over half of U.S. voters are, at this point, not confident that the federal government is reporting unbiased information related to the Covid-19 vaccines; 44.5% remain confident in the government's ability to do so.
Those figures are further broken down by political affiliation to reveal that among Independents, the feds are underwater. Among the politically unaffiliated or affiliated with a non-mainstream party, 53.4% of voters said they are not confident in the unbiased nature of government vaccine information – 40% of those polled specified they were "not confident at all."
GOP voters are just 24.5% confident in government vaccine reporting being unbiased, while 72.2% say they are not.
Democrats don't quite invert those figures, but are the sole among which a majority of voters are confident or "very confident" in the government's ability to present unbiased information about the effectiveness of vaccines.
The president of Convention of States Action, Mark Meckler, whose focus has long been obscuring power from its centralized seat in Washington, D.C. as politicians lose the faith and trust of Americans, said that this poll reflects the consistently poor messaging surrounding vaccinations that has come out of the capital.
"Washington, D.C. has consistently released inconsistent, confusing, and conflicting information since the beginning of the pandemic," he said. "Is it any wonder that Americans are skeptical that ever-shifting announcements related to the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines are any different?"