Maryland school district says parents can't opt their kids out of learning gender identity ideology

Montgomery County Public Schools made it clear that students can still opt out of sex education, but have to participate in lessons on gender identity ideology.
Grade school class, stock photo

A Maryland school district informed parents via email that they are not allowed to opt their children out of "engaging with any instructional materials" related to gender identity ideology. 

Last week, parents in Montgomery County Public Schools received an email that informed them that they would not be notified anymore about the instructional materials used for that subject matter.

The email said that students could not opt out of the lessons like they used to be able to, in order to create a more "inclusive environment."

"MCPS expects all classrooms to be inclusive and safe spaces for students, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or have family members in the LGBTQ+ community," the district stated

"A broad representation of personal characteristics within curricular or instructional materials promotes this desired outcome," the statement continued. "Therefore, as with all curriculum resources, there is an expectation that teachers utilize these inclusive lessons and texts with all students."

Montgomery County Public Schools made it clear that students can still opt out of sex education, but have to complete lessons on gender identity. 

Charlotte Hazard is a reporter for Just the News. Follow her on Twitter for more stories.