Teacher resigned from prep school after showing young children video about masturbation

She accused school staff of not backing her up.
I Quit

An instructor who generated controversy after showing a video about masturbation to young students has resigned from her post at an elite prep school in New York City.

Justine Ang Fonte quietly left Manhattan’s Dalton School last month after backlash to her using the videos as part of her instructional material.

The cartoon videos featured children asking a grown woman about her sex organs. The woman at one point declares: “It's OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel.”

Fonte, who had showed the videos in question at New York's Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, resigned in June after “feeling that she lacked support from Dalton,” the New York Times reported this week.

“I wanted to believe that Columbia Prep was a school that was ready to take on these issues in an educational, intellectual way and at least one person at that school trusted that I could do it,” Fonte told the paper. “And I did. But they weren’t ready to back it up, and it cost me my safety.”