Virginia teacher resigns at school board meeting, citing 'politicized agendas'

A Loudoun County Public School teacher resigned in front of the school board Tuesday evening citing their "highly politicized agenda," which she no longer wanted to push.
"Within the last year, I was in one of my so-called equity trainings that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and ‘this has to change," said Virginia teacher Laura Morris.
"Clearly, you've made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you've employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you," she continued, beginning to tear up. "I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents – children."
The fifth-grade teachers alleged that the county had specifically instructed her not to voice dissenting views on the CRT-inspired curriculum, trainings, and policies.
The Loudoun County Public School system has repeatedly states that it does not condone the suppression of viewpoints within the community. However, multiple teachers have come forward in the last months claiming they felt intimidated by the prospect of opposing the school's plethora of equity trainings.
"LCPS' work on equity is a journey that requires the commitment of staff at all levels. I feel the staff's work, which has been sustained, honest and undertaken in good faith, has been misrepresented recently by some members of the public," said Superintendent Scott Ziegler earlier this year.
Loudoun County Public Schools board meetings have become something of a public spectacle in recent months as parents and teachings arrive en masse to speak out against the conduct of school officials on issues ranging from the indoctrination of Critical Race Theory to mask mandates for children.