Black GOP pastor fights 'Democrats in Klan hoods' with AR-15 in campaign ad

"Racist white liberals love to tell me that my LIVED EXPERIENCE didn't happen!" the congressional candidate wrote on Twitter
Jerone Davison, campaign advertisement

A black Republican Arizona congressional candidate received positive feedback from conservatives after launching a pro-Second Amendment campaign ad in which he uses an AR-15 to ward off people in KKK uniforms with Democrat logos.

"Democrats like to say that no one needs an AR-15 for self-defense, that no one could possibly need all 30 rounds," Jerone Davison, a pastor and former NFL player running for Arizona's 4th District, says in his ad released last week.

"But when this rifle is the only thing standing between your family and a dozen angry Democrats in Klan hoods you just might need that semi-automatic in all 30 rounds," he concludes the brief video, which he posted on Twitter with the caption "Make Rifles Great Again."

One critic replied to Davison by claiming that Democrats in Klan gear "hasn't been a thing since the 1960s. It's like saying 'Republicans in academic regalia.'"

Davidson, who was born in 1970 in Mississippi, responded that the video is a depiction of what his family faced when he was a child. 

"When the KKK came to town, I always felt safe, because my father had rifles to protect us... Racist white liberals love to tell me that my LIVED EXPERIENCE didn't happen!" he wrote on Twitter.

Davison's ad got strong support from conservatives on social media.

"HOLY SMOKES" commentator Benny Johnson tweeted with the ad.

Professor Jordan Peterson's daughter, podcaster Mikhaila Peterson, retweeted the ad with the caption, "This is amazing."

Youtuber Jeremy Hambly said, "I am moving to Arizona just to vote for [Davison]."

Davison will face off against four other Republicans in the August 2 primary and hopes to go on to ultimately defeat incumbent Arizona Democratic Rep. Greg Stanton.