Indiana poll worker ejected for allegedly pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket,' electioneering

"I have never seen anything like this," the county elections administrator said.
Election workers process ballots in Easton, PA, Nov. 3

A Democrat election worker was reportedly ejected from a polling location in Carmel, Indiana, after allegedly pressuring voters to choose specific candidates and even pre-selecting Democratic nominees on a voting machine. 

Hamilton County election administrator Beth Sheller said an inspector at the election station found two incidents of possible election interference and electioneering, education outlet Chalkboard Review reported.

The poll worker, identified as James Zheng, allegedly took a voter to polling machines and preselected a straight-Democrat ballot under the guise of explaining how the technology worked. Several voters complained about Zheng's actions to election officials. 

Local voters also said Zheng told black voters "not to vote for the racist candidates outside," alluding to pro-parent candidates running for school board, Sheller said.

"I have never seen anything like this," she said. 

The Hamilton County Democratic Party and Zheng blamed the GOP for election interference.