Influential Working Families Party endorses Nadler over Maloney in messy NY Democrat House primary

Nadler and Maloney were mapped into the same district last month.
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

The Working Families Party on Wednesday endorsed Rep. Jerry Nadler over Rep. Carolyn Maloney – in an usual and especially divisive Democrat primary in which redistricting has forced the two long-serving House members into the same district.

Sochie Nnaemeka, director of the New York branch of the progressive-minded WFP, says Nadler has been "a powerful voice for reforming the Supreme Court, reimagining our justice system, and putting diplomacy and engagement over war and aggression."

"We're proud to support Congressman Nadler in the 12th Congressional District," she also said.

Upon receiving the endorsement, Nadler tweeted that he has "fought side by side" with the party since its founding. Some of their specific causes, according to Nadler, have included "civil and immigration rights, improved fast-food working conditions, paid sick leave for NYC workers, and a living wage for all."

"As the only true principled progressive and the best candidate in the race for the NY-12, I'm honored to have the support of the WFP – which has led the way on so many crucial progressive causes – in my re-election to Congress," continued Nadler, taking a dig at Maloney. 

Nadler and Maloney have each served in Congress for the better part of three decades. Both were drawn into the new district last month when a state court approved new redistricting maps.

Neither member has bowed out of the race, creating a messy primary with district votes and fellow House conference members, including those in leadership, picking sides.