FERC approves two LNG projects, including a terminal unimpacted by Biden’s ‘pause’
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved to two liquified natural gas projects that are expected to increase U.S. export capacity.
According to E&E News, FERC approved on Thursday approved the Saguaro Connector pipeline, a proposed 500-mile pipeline with the capacity to transport 2.8 billion cubic feet of gas per day from Texas to the coast of Mexico.
The commission also approved a three-year extension on a 96-mile Driftwood pipeline that will connect to a proposed LNG export terminal on the south of Lake Charles, Louisiana. The approval extends the project completion deadline to 2029.
While FERC approves the permitting of the projects, the Department of Energy approves permits to export LNG to countries without free-trade agreements with the U.S., and that includes European countries.
The DOE approved Driftwood’s export permit prior to President Joe Biden’s pause on LNG export permit approvals.
FERC Chairman Willie Phillips, a Democrat, told E&E News that the commission doesn’t coordinate with the DOE in the course of its determinations.