South Carolina treasurer says conservatives shouldn't subsidize people who 'despise' them

"We have a vote and that's powerful, but not nearly as powerful as our wallet," Curtis Loftis said.
An exterior view of the South Carolina State House, Columbia

South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis says that conservatives need to stop supporting investment firms and companies that hate them and their values. 

"We have a vote and that's powerful, but not nearly as powerful as our wallet," Curtis Loftis said on the Thursday edition of the Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "As long as we continue to subsidize the people who despise us, they're going to make money and continue."

According to Loftis, if people stopped supporting certain companies or networks, all the woke messaging would stop almost right away. 

"If we have 50 million people turn off cable TV or quit going to Disney or whatever, the world would change tomorrow," Loftis stated. 

Loftis said that there is a lot of danger in going down the ESG road, which many companies are currently doing. It means they make investment and corporate management decisions based on non-financial factors, such as diversity and the environment. According to Loftis, this only benefits the elite and not the working class.

"We look at ESG as just another speech and behavior code given to us by the left and we're supposed to take it," Loftis explained. "It's amazing how quickly people do adopt these things."

Loftis made news recently for pulling $200 million from BlackRock due to the manager's ESG investing.

"I realized early on that ESG (environmental, social and governance) had the potential to seriously undermine our state's economic model from one that values fiduciary responsibility and sound financial judgment to one that pushes the left-wing political agenda of 'stakeholder capitalism,'" Loftis said in a statement, according to local media