Dying COVID-19 patient recovers after court orders ivermectin treatment

A man near death recovered from COVID-19 over the weekend after an Illinois court ordered the hospital to treat him with ivermectin.
Sun Ng, 71, traveled from Hong Kong to visit his family in Naperville, Illinois. The Chicago Tribune reports that in mid-October, Ng contracted COVID and was put on a ventilator.
His daughter, Man Kwan Ng, who has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, said she researched treatments when her dad became sick. “I made the conclusion that ivermectin can help my dad,” she said.
Dr. Alan Bain offered to treat her father with ivermectin. The hospital did not listen to the daughter’s request, and she filed a lawsuit.
DuPage County Judge Paul Fullerton ruled in favor of the Ng, and said that the risks of ivermectin, in this case, are minimal since the patient “is basically on his deathbed.”
The hospital then attempted to stop Bain from treating the patient once it was discovered that he was not vaccinated – all health workers in Illinois must be vaccinated per executive order. Fullerton still sided in favor of treatment so long as Bain presented a negative COVID test.
Fox 32 reports that ivermectin was administered to “Ng from Nov. 8 through Nov. 12.”
Ng’s attorney said the patient began to improve almost immediately, and he was released on Nov. 27.
Ng has fully recovered, the family said.
"My father is a tough man. He was working so hard to survive, and of course, with God’s holding hands,” Man Kwan Ng said. “He weaned off oxygen about three days after moving out of the ICU. He started oral feeding before hospital discharge. He returned home without carrying a bottle of oxygen and a feeding tube installed to his stomach. He can now stand with a walker at the bedside and practice stepping. After being sedated for a month on a ventilator in ICU, his performance is beyond our expectations. Praise the Lord.”
Ivermectin is currently approved by the FDA for treating some parasitic worms, lice, and skin conditions. The use of ivermectin to treat COVID has been repeatedly discouraged by health officials, despite the fact that celebrities such as Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan said they took the drug.
The FDA reports, “Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19,” and clinical trials are ongoing.