House approves amendment to protect gas stoves from Biden admin, two dozen Democrats support

The bill would still need to secure approval from both chambers of Congress and overcome a possible veto from President Joe Biden in order to take effect.
gas stove

The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved an amendment to a pivotal energy bill that would bar the Department of Energy from restricting gas stoves.

In a 251-181 vote, more than two dozen Democrats crossed the aisle to support the measure, Fox News reported. The measure follows reports from earlier this year indicating that the Consumer Product Safety Commission was exploring a ban on the appliance due to health concerns.

That ban did not materialize, but the Department of Energy instead proposed strict regulations and efficiency requirements that would significantly increase the cost of using them. The administration has insisted it does not support banning gas stoves.

The bill itself would still need to secure approval from both chambers of Congress and overcome a possible veto from President Joe Biden in order to take effect.

The Democratic defections, however, could indicate significant bipartisan opposition to gas stove regulations that might give the administration pause when mulling whether to double down on its efforts.

While federal regulations remain a matter of debate, some left-leaning states such as New York have moved to impose even tighter restrictions on gas stoves and other "fossil fuel equipment."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on Twitter.