House to vote on pro-Israel resolution ahead of President Herzog's visit

Texas Republican Rep. August Pfluger sponsored the resolution.
The U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

The House of Representatives on Tuesday will vote on a resolution defending Israel from allegations it is an "apartheid" state and promising the United States' unwavering support for the country ahead of planned visit by Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

"Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that 1) the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state; 2) Congress rejects all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia; and 3) the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel," the resolution reads.

Texas Republican Rep. August Pfluger sponsored the resolution.

"Israel is our strongest partner in the Middle East, and recent Member comments denigrating Israel are unacceptable and disgusting," he said. "My resolution lets every American know exactly where their Representatives stand when it comes to supporting Israel and our Jewish communities."

Herzog is expected to address Congress on Wednesday, The Hill reported.

The vote comes amid comments from Democratic Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who condemned the country on Saturday as "racist." She has not commented on whether she will attend Herzog's speech, though several left-wing members of the Democratic conference have announced their plans to boycott it.

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on Twitter.