New York venue cancels conservative speaker tour amid local backlash

“I believe in capitalism and if a venue does not think that we are a good fit for their venue I respect that decision,” he said
Eric Trump

A venue in Rochester, N.Y., announced on Monday that it would cancel plans to host a speaker tour featuring a slew of conservative figures following local backlash and threats against the staff.

The ReAwaken America Tour includes a plethora of right wing media figures, including Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and Eric Trump. Stone was to set to speak at the Rochester event, alongside retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who co-signed the tour.

The Main Street Armory planned to host the event on Aug. 12-13, though venue owner Scott Donaldson cancelled on Monday after what he called an "outpouring of concern" from the community, according to The Hill. He asserted that his decision was not political and noted that he and his staff had also received threats.

Indie band Japanese Breakfast announced Thursday that it was cancelling a concert planned at the armory over its hosting of ReAwaken America, raising the tour's local profile and sparking increased scrutiny of the event, per The Hill.

Tour organizer Clay Clark, an Oklahoman business man who initially founded the tour to protest COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, learned of the cancellation from the media. He nonetheless said he would seek a different venue and that he usually confirmed at least five possible alternatives in the event of a cancellation.

Clark was understanding of Donaldson's decision against hosting the tour.

“I believe in capitalism and if a venue does not think that we are a good fit for their venue I respect that decision,” he said.