Nikki Haley labeled 'just another career politician' by former Trump spokesperson

Haley announced her 2024 GOP presidential campaign run on Tuesday.
Nikki Haley

A spokesperson for former President Donald Trump referred to former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley as a career politician. 

"Nikki Haley is just another career politician," Taylor Budowich, head of the Make America Great Again PAC said in a statement. 

“She started out as a Never Trumper before resigning to serve in the Trump admin," the statement continued. "She then resigned early to go rake in money on corporate boards. Now, she's telling us she represents a 'new generation.' Sure just looks like more of the same, a career politician whose only fulfilled commitment is to herself."

Haley announced her 2024 GOP presidential campaign run on Tuesday. 

"China and Russia are on the march," Haley said in her announcement video. "They all think we can be bullied, kicked around. You should know this about me. I don't put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you're wearing heels." 

The former South Carolina governor also said in her video that it was time for "a new generation of leadership."

Haley has teased running for the GOP nomination for months, using her signature line that she's "never lost an election."