Mike Huckabee says Biden administration is sending 'mixed messages' on Israel-Hamas war

"It's pretty apparent that they're also trying to put a lot of pressure on Israel for a ceasefire so that Hamas will hopefully release hostages," Huckabee said.
Joe Biden, Nov. 26, 2023, Nantucket, Mass.

Former GOP Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that the Biden administration seems to be sending mixed messages when it comes to where it stands on the Israel-Hamas war. 

While Huckabee said that right after the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel by Hamas, the White House messaging was on point with standing with Israel, as of late it's been confusing. 

"I think in the coming few weeks since that time, what we've seen is somewhat of a mixed message," he said on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "They're still standing with Israel. They're still saying many of the right things. But it's pretty apparent that they're also trying to put a lot of pressure on Israel for a ceasefire so that Hamas will hopefully release hostages."

Over the weekend, Hamas released multiple hostages as part of a deal with Israel.

"I think we all want every hostage to go," Huckabee said. "Of course we do. No one would love to see that more – especially those family members who are just absolutely distraught about where their relatives were. But here's the problem. What is happening is that hostages are being released."

"But for every hostage, there are two Palestinian prisoners who are being released and people need to understand this," he continued. "Hostages are innocent civilians who are captured at gunpoint. The people being released out of Israeli jails are there for a reason."

Huckabee said that this is not a fair exchange and it's also important to remember that there are Americans still being held hostage.

"Why aren't we getting the Americans out?" he asked. "I'm not sure that Joe Biden and this administration have been forceful enough to all of the Arab nations, to Qatar, who is allowing the heads of Hamas to live in luxury in their hotels and all the way down to the terrorists themselves, and just saying, 'You either let our people go, or there won't be a speck of dust left, where you're currently standing.'"