Dr. Ben Carson says that cancel culture is 'probably here to stay,' and innovation is the solution

Dr. Carson said he believes that creativity and innovation will result in overcoming cancel culture. 
Dr. Ben Carson

Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson says that he believes cancel culture is likely here to stay, but the solution is innovation. 

"Cancel culture is probably here to stay as long as we have people who want to control everybody else's thought process and their speech," Dr. Carson said on Tuesday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "But we have ways around it, and we can provide alternatives."

Dr. Carson said he believes that creativity and innovation will result in overcoming cancel culture. 

"That's going to be the salvation of our nation  our ingenuity, our creativity and our recognition of those factors that are destroying our nation, and finding solutions," he said.

Dr. Carson, along with country singer John Rich and conservative commentator Larry Elder are part of a project called "Old Glory Bank," an alternate bank for Americans who support freedom of speech and have concerns about their existing bankers punishing them for publicly backing issues that their banks don't support.

"I have to point out that this is the first chartered bank that openly supports America and our flag, our freedom, patriotism, the military and our first responders, and we don't make any bones about the fact that those are areas that we will be emphasizing," Dr. Carson stated.