UN watchdog hasn't had access since February to monitor Iran's nuclear program

According to estimates, Iran is enriching uranium at its highest level ever.
January 2018 photo of Tehran, Iran

The United Nations atomic watchdog group said Monday it hasn't been able to access important data needed to monitor Iran's nuclear program since late February.

The International Atomic Energy Agency reported it has "not had access to the data from its online enrichment monitors and electronic seals, or had access to the measurement recordings registered by its installed measurement devices" since Feb. 23, according to the Associated Press.

Iran started limiting access for inspectors to monitor its nuclear facilities in February in a bid to pressure the U.S. government and President Biden to lift sanctions imposed on the country by Donald Trump after the former president pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

The 2015 deal only allowed Iran to stockpile 202.8 kilograms (447 pounds) of enriched uranium, but as of May 22, the IAEA estimated Iran has 3,241 kilograms (7,145 pounds) stockpiled, its highest level ever.

The IAEA also said it was awaiting answers from Iran regarding three sites where inspections revealed traces of uranium of man-made origin.