Cotton slams 'anti-American indoctrination' in military's diversity training

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton says he has received "hundreds” of complaints from U.S. service members about the military's new diversity and inclusion training, which he calls an "anti-American indoctrination."
In a Senate hearing Thursday with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Cotton, an Army war veteran, argued the military's new diversity and inclusion training is causing "plummeting morale" and "growing mistrust between races and sexes," according to The Epoch Times.
Austin appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which Cotton is a member, to provide information on President Biden’s 2022 budget request.
Cotton said military whistleblowers told him the new training programs replaced military history training with courses on police brutality, "systemic racism," and "white privilege. He said one whistleblower alleging his unit was forced to read a book titled "White Fragility" by author Robin DiAngelo.
Cotton and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, also a military veteran, have set up a site for military whistleblowers to send their complaints.
Austin told Cotton that "diversity, equity and inclusion is important to this military, and it will be important in the future."
Cotten replied: “This is not about diversity, this is about a very specific kind of anti-American indoctrination that is seeping into some parts of our military based on the whistleblower complaints we have received," according to Fox News.