GOP Senator Blunt: White House would have 'easy win' by making spending bill infrastructure only

Blunt also predicted Senate Republicans won't support corporate tax hike to pay for measure after just cutting corporate tax rate.
Senator Roy Blunt (R-Missouri)

Missouri GOP Sen. Roy Blunt is suggesting President Biden cut his newly proposed, roughly $2 trillion spending package to its essential infrastructure proposals to get congressional Republicans’ support and argues they won’t support a corporate tax hike to fund the measure after approving a rate cut in 2017.

"I think there’s an easy win here for the White House if they would take that win, which is make this an infrastructure package,” Blunt, a member of GOP Senate leadership said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The senator, known for his bipartisan deal making and who is not seeking 2022 reelection, estimates only about 30% of the package is infrastructure related.

Blunt also said the proposal right now includes about $400 billion expenditure on care for the elderly and disabled, as well as billions more on allocations unrelated to infrastructure. 

Blunt argued keeping the bill as such would be a “big mistake for the administration," and suggested revamping it to focus on roads, bridges, ports, airports and perhaps underground water systems and broadband.