Greene pulls Mayorkas impeachment resolution from consideration on House floor

The resolution was scheduled for a procedural House floor vote on Thursday
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., conducts a news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on her plans to file articles of impeachment against President Biden on Thursday, May 18, 2023.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., pulled a resolution from consideration that she introduced to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Thursday.

The resolution was originally scheduled for a procedural House floor vote.

“My articles of impeachment are in the Homeland Committee. We’ll be picking those up and moving,” Greene said. "There was no guarantee on impeachment until today, so I’m satisfied with that."

Greene met with Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., before pulling the resolution from consideration. Greene said he guaranteed that the committee will move forward with impeachment against Mayorkas. 

"I’ve been guaranteed by Speaker Johnson and Chairman Green that we’ll be moving forward with impeaching Secretary Mayorkas through the Homeland Committee," Greene wrote on X. "I’m happy with the plan moving forward to do our work for the American people. The impeachment resolution will be reaching the floor soon."